Thursday, April 09, 2009

Good Friday & Happy Easter

Good Friday
Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane by the Temple Guards through the guidance of his disciple, Judas Iscariot.

Jesus carries his cross to the site of execution called the place of the Skull or "Golgotha" in Hebrew and in Latin "Calvary". There he is crucified along with two criminals (John 19:17-22).

Jesus agonizes on the cross for six hours. During his last 3 hours on the cross from noon to 3pm, there is darkness over the whole land. With a loud cry, Jesus gives up his spirit. There is an earthquake, tombs break open, and the curtain in the Temple is torn from top to bottom. The centurion on guard at the site of crucifixion declares, "Truly this was God's Son!" (Matthew 27:45-54)
Let us all honor our Lord, Savior, and King, Jesus the Messiah, for what he did for ALL of us at Calvary. It's easy to forget the sacrifices he made, and the suffering he endured on the cross, just so he could full fill the Old Testament prophecies that he was destined to full fill, and the will of the Father.The words Jesus spoke, as they pounded the nails in his hands and feet on the cross, tell us exactly what he was all about, and these words are in Luke 23:34 "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do."

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever." Hebrews 13:8. His life still gives us hope, May you live in his unchanging love. May Jesus who was born in a manger be born again in your Heart Good Friday!
We love u Jesus because you died in cross for our sins. How great thy Love.

Happy Easter
Easter is a promise God renews to us in each spring. May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy! Happy Easter!
Thank You, Lord, for rising from the tomb to live in our hearts and you conquered the power of death.
Let’s rejoice he is alive.

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